From what I’ve noticed following the fanbase of The Chosen for quite some time, Matthew, by far, is many people’s favorite. It’s kind of funny when you think about it, because in Biblical times, he was one of the most hated people around. Tax collectors were hated for their practices and therefore regarded as sinners. They were Jews who worked for the Romans, therefore their allegiance supported cultural assumptions that they were traitors as well. People resented paying taxes to the ruthless foreigners who ruled over them.
In The Chosen, we have seen Matthew transform from this man who almost vomited in seeing some rats in an alley to standing up to a demoniac with a spoon. But hey, we all have to start somewhere... LOL!
Jesus simply calls him by name, and he gets up and leaves it all behind. It says in Matthew 9:9. “At that, he (Matthew himself) rose up and followed Jesus.”
Matthew leaves his responsibilities as a tax collector behind and becomes a disciple of Jesus. At some point later, perhaps to express appreciation for this particular call from Jesus, Matthew holds a large feast at his house. Probably in hopes that they too can receive freedom. By doing so and without knowing, Matthew had already become a fisherman of men for Jesus.
I love how Dallas Jenkins and the writers have written the character of Matthew. I think that if they hadn’t written him as they have, he probably would have been incredibly annoying to some. They made Matthew, in a sense, relatable to many. Here is this man who was one of the most hated during his time but appears to be on the spectrum side, and why not? Who is to say what Matthew was really like? As Nicodemus says in Season 1 Episode 6, why are some so quick to put the people of the Bible in a box? After all, God created us all so differently and on purpose... it’s beautiful! Many who are on the spectrum side, autistic, etc., or have children/family can now relate to the Bible more than they could before. Because of Matthew, they can see that they are indeed beautifully and wonderfully made!
I love how we see Matthew learn the importance of Scripture through Phillip’s instruction. Jesus then inquires Matthew on one of the Scriptures Philip taught him, "If I ascend into heaven, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there." (Psalm 139:8)
Knowing that Matthew was about to encounter darkness in a place he has never stepped into before… but Matthew walks in like he owns the place. Matthew learns there is power in the Word of God. Because of Matthew’s character and watching him grow and learn about God, many have had aha moments and have begun seeing the Word of God in a different light. One of the many wonderful ministerial aspects of The Chosen is to encourage its vast, global audience to study the word of God themselves. How freaking incredible is that?!?
Although the Bible doesn’t account much for Matthew’s personal life, he is considered one of the “Four Evangelists”. This title is reserved for the Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John- authors of the four gospels. It makes sense that we see him write down the beautiful beatitudes for Jesus in the Season 2 finale. I am sure there wasn’t a dry eye when watching that scene.
Matthew has grown so much in The Chosen. He can be seen as quirky, making his calculations on pretty much anything, unable to tell jokes, although he is trying! We see him so tender-hearted towards Mary... he even gave her his scarf! He willingly wanted to protect her against the demoniac, so what if it was with a spoon! He is becoming bolder in the group and even put Simon in his place.
I cannot wait to see what other things we will see Matthew in both word & action. He reminds a lot of us of ourselves. Learning more and more about who God is and who we are in Christ!
