Alright, let's go! How exciting is this?!? I am so excited to be a part of ATTM! I have been watching for quite some time and I have seen the lives that ATTM has impacted via their posts, interviews, testimonials, etc. I still cannot believe it has been over a year already! I truly believe with my whole heart that ATTM hasn't seen anything yet! God is truly up to something.
I first want to say, I pray that everything I put within this blog, is ALL of Him and NONE of me. I am nothing, nothing without him. I am a perfect mess, but a mess who has been redeemed, forgiven, and whom God calls his own. I pray that through HIS words that many will both realize and embrace that they are not alone. They are loved. They haven't strayed too far nor sinned too much. He loves them with unconditional love and wants to heal and restore their lives.
A little about myself, I am originally from Cleveland, Ohio. I was born and raised in the church... however, I didn't always stay the course, yet I had a praying mother who never gave up on me. There is so much to tell you, but in time, when I feel God is prompting me to share.
When Darren and Noah told me that the site was going live soon, I had to admit at first fear washed over me. I am not an eloquent writer by far, I just share what God lays on my heart. But with God, I am still working through my own brokenness… "What if I can't do this?" I then started going down the list of all the reasons why I might fail or why I’m not worthy enough. Then there was silence. I thought for sure he would tell me all of the things I am.
Instead, He reminded me that this venture is not about myself… all He needs is someone willing to empty themselves of ‘self’ and surrender to Him to be used for His glory. That's it. So here I am being vulnerable, stepping out of my comfort zone.
I wanted to remind anyone who is reading this, we all have our junk, we all have things that God is working within us. None of us is perfect. The word of God says in Romans 3:23:
“For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God."
Do not allow fear to cripple you, from stepping out and fulfilling what you know God has called you to do. There are people that God will put in your path whose lives you are supposed to touch.
Let me remind you of a few people who by some standards would not have been qualified to do what God called them to do. Look at Abraham, who would be later known as the Father of the Nation of Israel. At some point, he and his wife Sarah would doubt God and try to fulfill the promise themselves by having a child through the woman Hagar. (Genesis 16:3-6)
Look at Samson, he would fall because of his lust for Delilah, but later God would fulfill his purpose through him.
Moses was a coward, a murderer who fled after killing an Egyptian. In no way eloquent with his speech, yet God sent him Aaron and through them, he would free the people of Israel from the hands of the Egyptians.
Let’s not forget Peter, who often acted without thinking. He would even deny Jesus 3 times, yet God still used him greatly to minister to His people.
These are just a few. The point is, and I am sure you have heard this a hundred times…
God doesn't call the qualified, but qualifies the called.
God doesn't just heal and restore our lives so that we can live comfortably basking in His presence forever. Although He does bestow many blessings on our lives, the Prophet Isaiah reminds us, “I, the LORD, have called you for a righteous purpose, and I will take hold of your hand. I will keep you and appoint you to be a covenant for the people and a light to the nations to open eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness.” (Isaiah 42:6-7)
Well, thank you so much for allowing me a few minutes of your time. Very excited about the days ahead! I know that God has great things for you!
